
Painting connects me to the ancient Indian wisdom.
It is a way of sharing my life and experiences through
color, form, and brush strokes.

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Fan Appreciation

Some of the creations go beyond the state of imagination that otherwise limit the expression of human minds. Excellent

Sanjiv Nair - Art Critic

Interesting work. You have visually transported us through time and space to those lands 🙂

Jeet Gupta -

Your creations speak! Keep it up!!

Abahy Salagre -

An elegant and picturesque work unique in its own way. An exhilarating and enjoyable experience to enjoy the ethnic glory and beauty of work particularly ‘Green Pastures’ and ‘Chilled Silence’.

Congratulations for such good work!


R S Pande -

Extraordinary paintings. The colours are very soothing and pleasing

Kanchan Patel -

Extraordinary Paintings! Every painting is a film in itself…Amazing..

Kaivalya -

Excellent! The colouration of paintings is very soothing to eyes and the white spots on few of the paintings is mesmerizing.

Bhakti Revar -

You work with limited palette yet none of your paintings are shy of shades and hues. Your artistic genius and efforts are writ large on your work.

Vikas Godbole -

As I see from your paintings, your forte is precise combination of subtle shades and hues to create a distinct, arresting effect with forceful strokes. Splendid work.

Mr. A Vartak - Art Critic
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